Installing Tor Brower on debian

Tor Browser

If you have searched this page its simply mean that you are trying to setup a browser that give you a lot freedom and also your gateway for the dark web. Yes you are correct I am talking about Tor browser. 
Installation is very much focus on debian linux, as you know ubantu, debian or kali all are the different version of the debian hence commands provided here will work for all the linux.

Open the linux command prompt 

   >> apt-get install torbrowser-launcher

Once you give this command you can see an browser installation process will start and it will show the below window for the download process.

Once its finish you can open the tor browser.

its not recommanded or allowed to install or use tor browser with root user hence better you connect with  your own user and run the command.

Once its installed run the following command to run a tor browser.

torbrowser-launcher --detach

It will open the tor browser for you. 

Now you are connected to internet using the tor browser to check now in the window type "what is my ip"

No google here, duckduckgo will provide you an result.

You can see your browser is not reveling your location and up information. Hence we are good to go.

Happy toring :-)


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