Current Logged in User and Roles in ADF and Fusion Apps

A) Using the groovy Expression.

We can set default expression in view object attribute as below 

For Roles use 


B) Java Code
You can get User Name in Java code also using the following code.

     ADFContext adfCtx = ADFContext.getCurrent();  
     SecurityContext secCntx = adfCtx.getSecurityContext();  
     String user = secCntx.getUserPrincipal().getName();  
     String userName = secCntx.getUserName();
     String[]  Roles = secCntx.getUserRoles();

C) Expression Language
You can bind ADF Faces componenets with the following EL to get logged User Name.


D) In Fusion Applications (On Premise Implementation)

      ApplSession session = ApplSessionUtil.getSession();
      String guid1 = session.getUserGuid();


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